Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wedding Stuffs!



Pejam celik, pejam celik.

Cepat betul masa berlalu.

Rasanya Along ni macam budak kecik sekampung lagi.

Rupanya da besar.

Da jd suami org da pon.

Majlis perkahwinan berlangsung di rumah pengantin perempuan; Pekan, Pahang.

Saya, Angah & Fifie jadi bidan terjun bawa hantaran.

Majlis sambut menantu saya tak dapat hadiri. “Sorry Mak Long!” Sebab by this time saya da pulang ke Sg Petani yang tercinta.

Here are some pics!

Me & Angah On The Green Carpet!

Bidan Terjun.


Majlis perkahwinan berlangsung di rumah pengantin perempuan di Alor Staq.

Saya tak hadiri majlis because I’m going back to my beloved hometown.

Then, majlis sambut menantu berlangsung di Cheras.

I was there.

Bertolak dari SP bersama Afif on Thursday & fetch by the newlyweds.

Majlisnya berlangsung pada hari Sabtu.

Saya, Kaisya, Cheda & Fiza bergerak ke PGA around 8pm kot.

Jalan jem & stuffs.

Lucky we were not LOST!

The day before saya sangat mengidam nak makan samabal sotong!

LUCKY ME that night antara menu yang dihidangkan ialah sambal sotong!

Hujan turun agak lebat & tak mengijinkan kami untuk beramah mesra dengan pengantin & tuan rumah lebih lama.

We had such a great time!

(Happily Ever After)

Whatever it is.



p/s: Cepat lah dapat baby!

I can't wait!

Oh ya! It's coincidence kan. Along & Abang Az; both anak sulung & cucu sulung!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


(My cue card!)

This is actually my individual speech for BEL332 on 4th March 2009.
I choose the topic for “Introduce a classmate”

Here it goes…

Assalamualaikum & a very good evening to Madam Yati & fellow friends.

Today, I would like to share with all of you about my greatest bestfriend among all. Have you ever experienced when someone said that you look exactly like your bestfriend? More like a twins? Although your personalities are totally different from him or her. Have you? Well, I have.
By the time I’m far away from my family, he always there with me as a parent who concerns so much about their daughter, as a brother to argue with and even a sister to share those gossip with. He always there with me through thick and thin, up and down.

Born in May 8. 1988 makes him two months older than me and not forgetting he’s much mature than me. The way he thinks is definitely out of box.

He is the funniest person that I’ve ever met in this world. He always makes me laugh even at the most stressful time. He is the joker among us. I bet you will agree with it.

His passion in sport makes him athletic but most people just don’t believe it by looking at his figure. Well, I would say, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. At the moment his sport of choice is tennis. He would anything when it become to tennis especially to his yellow Babolat racquet named Lela.

Let us focus on his so called allergy to vegetables. He would say something like this, “Vegetables?”, “What are those?”, “Are they edible?”. He said that he is allergy to vegetables since the greens make his tongue cramp.

Apart from this, I amazed by how he can speaks Mandarin fluently. Everytime he starts speaks in Mandarin. I become clueless. I have no idea what his talking about. All I know is “Wo bu che tao”.

Being with him for over 3 years, makes me know him better on what kind of person he is. He tough me to strong in facing and handling problems. He tough me to be mature suit with my age and no more cry like a baby since big girls don’t cry. Besides my family, he motivates me to keep on going through life and live my spirits up.

What else should I say about him? There are so many to talk about which will never come to an end. I just realized that he is not just a friend but also a brother and even uncle. He is my greatest bestfriend among all. He is MOHD AFIF SHAM SHAMSURI.

Thank You.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

::Urban Workout::


Urban Workout.
Itu lah aktiviti yg sedang sy jalani skang.
Pd pringkat awal, ianya sgt memenatkn.
Im sweating like a ***.
But at the end, i kinda like it.
Im dancing.
Walaupun sy ni totaly mcm kayu.
But I enjoy the moment I workout.
TQ to my beloved trainer; Miss Laili.
She pushed me a lot!
She makes me discipline myself.
By the time she said "Jom Workout!".
I was like "OK!".
But sometimes it can be "Errr...penat la."
Then she said "It's ok.I wat pilates je."
See her courage!
Utk jd sehat & chantek, kami kena berusaha!
After this, Laili nak tukar to belly dance stuffs.

(This is MISS LAILI; My Beloved Urban Workout Trainer.)

p/s: I need to workout on my tummy. So, lets belly dance.

Monday, March 2, 2009

::Lovey Dovey::

::1 year 8 months & still counting::

(Romeo: Afif Sham & Juliet: Izatul Fatiha)

::5 months & still counting::

(Romeo: Hisham & Juliet: Fatin Syafira)

::4 months & still counting::

(Juliet: Diyana & Romeo: Hafizan)

When it come to LOVE.
It just between Romeo & Juliet.

Women & Men are two different creature that have been create by ALLAH.
Each one has its own speciality.
To complete each other.

As long as we have each other.
As long as we understand each other.
As long as we love each other.
As long as we trust each other.
Then everything will be fine.

No matter how far we are.
Love remains the same.

Semoga Allah SWT merahmati hubungan kita semua.
Semoga hubungan kita semua berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.