Saturday, November 22, 2008

::A Night To Remember::

I wish I could Fly Like A Bird
Free To Fly

Me & Angah
Setelah Selamat Tiba Di Rumah

Just 3 Of Us Tonight
Me, Adik & Angah

Why Tonight Is the Night To Remember?

Setelah seharian penat mengemas umah.
Sampai ke malam baru stop.
Tetiba Angah cakap "Kak Long, jom g TC (Telok Chempedak)".
Diriku ini yang sememangnya penta dan malas pun berkata "Da malam ni, da lewat, bahaya kang."
Actually tak de pe2 pon.
We all selalu lepak sana tapi dsebabkan malas buat la alasan.
Pikir pula kena drive lg.
Angah & Adik bersemangat waja memujuk ni.
Kesian plak.
Sy pun berkata lagi.
"G la tanya Ibu."
Tak dapat cakap ngan Ibu sebab Ibu sibuk, customer ramai.
Then tanya Ayah.
Ayah pun mengizinkan.
Then sy berkata lagi.
"G la tanya Abg Apip."
Sebenarnya gurau je ngan Angah, tak sangka dibuatnya btul2.
Abg Apip pun mengizinkan.
Disebabkan kesian.
Sy pun bawa la mereka berdua berjalan.
Kesian diorg da lama tak berjalan.
Ambil angin pantai.
Tenangkan minda sambil makan Sundae.
Snap pic like always.
Waktu yang kami peruntukkan di TC sekejap je.
It was Sweet, Simple moments.
Before balik rumah, Adik suruh singgah Pantai Selamat (mini market, namanya ni).
Belikan dia roti, cheese & burger.
Setibanya di rumah.
Sy & Adik pun buat la burger ayam with cheese.
Semuanya tak dirancang tp Semuanya berjalan dgn lancar.


Friday, November 21, 2008


Hey, let me tell you know.

Trying to decide if I, really wanna go out tonight.
I never used to go out without ya, not sure I remember how to.
Gonna be late but, all my girls gonna have to wait cause, I don't know if I like my outfit.
I tried everything in my closet.

Nothing feels right when I'm not with you, sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.
Taking them off cause I feel a fool, trying to dress up when I'm missing you.
I'm a step out of this lingerie, curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
In bed I lay, with nothing but your T-shirt on.

Hey, gotta be strong but I'm, really hurting now that you're gone.
I thought maybe I'd do some shopping, but I couldn't get past the door and, now I don't know if I'm, ever really gonna let you go and I, couldn't even leave my apartment.
I'm stripped down torn up about it.

I miss YOU.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

::dedicated to my girls::

The Prelawrians

My girls from Uitm, Sungai Petani, Kedah.
We are the PL2D girls.

Consist of:

1. Miracle Party Girls
She is Baby.
Such a party girl.
She used to be a party girl.

2. Antique Dreaming
She is Ummu.
Loves to dream about lots of things.
Such a lover too.

3. Sweet Poodle
She is Shakila.
Such a sweet girl.
A guy, once said she's the mother.

4. Sugary Cafe au Lait
She is Laili.
Such a cafe latte girl.
Don't ever separate her with Starbuck.

5. Everyday B Girl
She is Syafira.
She is always Syafira.
Have fun!

6. Wild & Sexy Tune
She is Didi.
The sexy one.
Never ever loosing those wild & sexy things.

7. Get Ready Summer
She is Ely.
The girl who always ready with everything.
Tough girl too.

The FLWbers

My girls from MSU, Shah Alam, Selangor.
We are the Foundation of Law girls.

Consist of:

1. Sugary Cafe au Lait.
She is Ain MJ.
The youngest one.
Yes you are.

2. Sweet Poodle.
She is Aien Rani.
Such a sweet girl.
The sweetness.

3. Antique Dreaming.
She is Nora.
Such a poetic.
A classic girl too.

4. Sow White.
She is Ayu.
Her face is white as snow.
Such a soft girl.

5. Wild & Sexy Tune.
She is Ira.
Outgoing girl.
Move on girl.

6. Get Ready Summer.
She is Sarah.
Always prepare.
The 'kepoh' one.

7. Everyday B Girl.
She is Kaisya.
Happy go lucky girl.

8. Happy Graduation.
She is Cheda.
One of the best student.
Keep it up girl!

9. I Wanna Be a Boy.
She is Pza.
She used to be boyish style.
But now, she is such a sweet & feminine girl.

The Benumians

My girls from PLKN, Benum Hill, Pahang.
We are the Alpha Company girls.

Consist of:

1. Wild & Sexy Tune.
She is Anin.
She is herself.
She is wild & sexy.

2. Sugary Cafe au Lait.
She is Pika.
She makes you smiles.
She's the one.

3. Sweet Poodle.
She is Atin.
The sweet girl.
Such a caring sis.

The Afzanians

My girls from Afzan Girl School,Kuantan, Pahang.
We are the 5 Cekap girls.

Consist of:

1. Everyday B Girl.
She is Nik.
Outgoing girl.
Active girl too.

2. Antique Dreaming.
She is Pijah.
Such a novelist.
Sometimes can be quite passive.

3. Sweet Poodle.
She is Syaza.
The kindness.
Sweet & Lovable.

p/s : I chose the figure not based on the look but based on the name & come from the heart.
Of course there are lots of sweet things that have not been listed out there.
You know how precious you are to me.
You girls always made my day.
X kisah la happy or sad.
You girls just made it.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don't Mess With My Man

Well, well, well.
Maybe some of u all akan pk yg title kali ni agak hangat.
Seolah2 mcm "I WARN U GIRLS OUT THERE!".
Kan? Kan? Kan?

Actually, sy baru je dgr lagu ni.
Baru je skjp.
Lagu ni da lama sbnrnya kan.
Nyanyian Nivea.
At the same time, sy baru je abis menonton sebuah drama yg mengisahkn pasangn bahgia yang mana kebahagiaannye di gugat oleh insan ke-3!
Mengalir2 hengus & air mata ni.
Ksian couple ni, halangan dlm percintaan diorg.
Diorg tetap stick together.

The story happen this way:-
A : The Guy.
B : The Girl.
C : The Other Girl.

A & B da lama sgt b'cinta.
A seorg yg penyabar, baik hati, mcm prince charming la kan.
B penyabar, sensitif, manja.
Mereka berdua amt memahami satu sama lain.
Saling melengkapi satu sama lain.
Tolak ansur & selalu b'bincang utk selesaikn masalah mereka.
Namun bila datangnye si C, yg ntah datang dr ne ntah.
Yang tiba2 fall to A yang sgt charming & baik hati.
A pun layan C mcm biasa.
Namun C perasan lebih2 plak kan.
Dia mula rasa bibit cinta kt A.
A x sembunyikan kawan2 wanitanya, dia kenalkan kt B.
B dpt rasakn satu persaan yg aneh kt C.
Before this, x rs mcm ni pun kt kawan2 lain.
Tp kali ni pelik.
Perasaan mcm nk berebut agknya.
(Well, I think kita dpt rs kannya la kan).
B thinks positif & anggap x de apa2 yg berlaku.
Hanya mainan persaan.
Namun makin dia cuba lari, makin persaan tu dtg.
At the same time, C pula makin m'gatal ngn A.
Mustahil la perasaan ni x wujud dlm setiap pasangn bercinta.
Mesti ada walaupun sikit.
Bila B da x tahan, dia buat keputusan utk gtau A psl ni.
Discuss btul2 ngn A.
A mmg x de prasaan pun kat C walaupun sikit.
B percaya ckp A.
Da lama diorg bersama.
Mcm2 yang C buat supaya A jatuh cinta kat dia.
Namun, sikit pun x menggugat cinta A kat B.
Begitu juga B.
Dalam sgt cinta B kat A.
Yang si C ni memang la, dia guna psychology yg amat kuat nak gak dptkn A!
Nangis2 + gaduh2.
Jap, nk tau pe yg sweet, bila diorg da gaduh, da lpskan mrh.
Diorg mesti hug.
Both of them.
:'( OMG I'm crying peeps!
Setelah pelbagai rintangan yg diorg lalui, mcm2.
Jatuh bangun.
Semua nya sama2.

Pe yg korang agk kesudahan crita ni?
Guess la....;)
Spa btol, kite bg eskrem.:)

p/s : Buat Afif Sham, I will never give up on you!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

::At Last::

Setelah beberapa jam menghabiskan masa untuk meng'upgrade'kan my page.
At last, ni la hasilnya.
Masih blh dibaiki. :)
Sronok gak wat mende ni.
Sambil menunggu pujaan hati tiba di rumahnya around 5am.
So, apa la salahnya kalau sy setlekan blog ni.
Well, well, well.
(mcm suara emas lak) :)
* Si kepoh2 sekalian pasti da tergelak kalau anda memahaminya.

Lepas ni, sy akan terus menulis.
Narrow it down; Menaip.
Dan terus menaip.
Mengisi masa lapang in about 1 month and few weeks.

Till then.:)



At last I'm home!!!!
Gosh! I'm definitely SO happy.
After a very stressful week at school.
It then turn into:
Those sweet moments with HIM.
And now most of the important thing that I keep thinking of it for quite a long time is be at home with my FAMILY.

Then at the same time.
I want to upgrade my blog.
Well, it takes time.
Of course.
And it still in process.
Until then.
So long..

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Dear Sygku & Chentaku Afif Sham.

Cepat la update blogmu.

p/s: Tak pasti la samada he's aware with this or not.