Thursday, January 29, 2009

We Will Not Go Down

The final week before Chinese New Year Holiday was a blast.

I've join Aman Palestine as Mr.Lutfi from Aman Palestine came and gave some talk on Gaza, Palestine, Israeli & etc.
Honestly, I had a minor trauma since I watched those videos on the current scenario in Gaza.
The WALL! It frightened me a lot!
UiTM made some constructions, and I am terribly afraid with the blue wall devider thing, whatever they call it.
I'm the one who JUST WATCHED THE VIDEO BUT NOT EXPERIENCE IT BY MYSELF have suffered a minor trauma.
Guess how our brothers and sisters feel?

Save GAZA, Save Our Brother and Sister!
Every each one of us, as the human being has our own right to live freely in this world with only the restriction from Allah S.W.T and some bound by the law.
This rights are definately cannot be violate by other people.
Those cruel people who steal the happiness, lives, peacefulness, family and so on.
The people of Palestine are innocent.
Those cold hearted people even steal and ruin the religious of others.

I heard the song entitle We Will Not Go Down by Michael Heart during the night with Aman Palestine.
It definately describe the pain in Gaza.
Here some of the lyrics.

WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza)
(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

I'm Strong

First of all.
Abg, u need to help me with my new post.
I can't upload the video & I don't know why.

Get to the biz.
Someone try to challenge my temper but believe me dear I'm strong enough to control my temper.
He thought me a lot!
Besides, I have other important & big things to think of rather than these.

Afif once said "Just pray for her best".
Yes I will my dear.
Just stop hurting yourself.
& myself too.
Both of us know how it feels.
How bad it feels.
Don't you?

When the right time come.
You will found the right one.
& you know what?
I'll be the happiest person in this world when you found the right one.
Just be patient my dear.
Just wait for the right one to come.
Allah has store the best for us.
Wait for it patiently.
Look at the bright side.

Wanna know something?
I miss you dear.

Monday, January 26, 2009


This is what happen to me when we are far away from each other.
With his tshirt on, I feel like he's here with me.
Near with me.
Close to my heart.
I admit that this is my pjamas.
And sometimes, this is my shirt during I nap.
I don't care.
Even if Ibu says, "K.long, tak nak basuh ke baju cina tu?"
I would say, "Tak nak."
Funny huh?
But that's the fact.
The fact that I really miss him.

It's ok.
It's only for a week.
Everytime holiday come, I need to return to my hometown, so do him.
I'm going to miss him.
But everytime holiday end, I need to return to UiTM.
And I'm going to miss my family.
Oh Allah.
Can I have both?

p/s: This is the most comfortable pj's that I ever had.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


What else I can say bout him.
He is just sooooo.....
Ya Allah....
I just finish up my paraphrasing and guess what, I think I just saw Afif Sham pass me by..
Dia temankan sy the whole night kot..
But actually, tengah berdengkur..

He always always always there for me..
Believe me through thick and thin..
He always there..


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1 year & 6 months & Still Counting

Honeymoon 2008

Beautiful & Sweet Moments

Pre Law Dinner 2008
(Macam Nak Menikah Plak)

Kadang2 Kami X Berapa Nak Sehat

Best Driving Teacher Ever!
Shuai Ge, Wo Ai Ni!

The Title Of FEIZA

Shopping Is So Fun When Your Around

It's My Birthday Party Celebration

Yes I'm Crying! Can't Live Without Him

The Celebration Of My Birthday Party
(Just Both Of Us)

This Is Our First Snap Together
(Before He Propose Me)

Still Standing

First And Foremost.
Yes! I am revealing our love story.

Bermulanya kisah Nur Izatul Fatiha & Mohd Afif Sham.

10.Jun. 2007 merupakan tarikh bersejarah yg tak kan dapat dilupakan. Detik Afif Sham propose me. :) Afif bersungguh2 nak hantar sy ke station bus walaupun sy & Sarah (1 of the MSU buddy) boleh berdikari naik teksi ke sana. Setelah di rayu dan dipujuk, kami pun bersetuju supaya di hantar oleh Afif. Sarah berangkat dahulu ke Sungai Petani, tiketnya lebih awal. Tinggal lah sy dan Afif berdua. Kami memang jarang berbual, mungkin sebab malu. Tapi kami selalu sms. Bila dah tinggal berdua macam ni, agak kekok la. For me, sy amat berdebar2 rsnya. Kami makan at MC D. Berbual2 tentang family masing2. Lihat jam di tangan, waktu sudah hampir pukul 2pm. Which is that's my time to go. Sedih sangat2. Sebelum naik bus, sy hanya mampu menatap wajah Afif Sham sj. Menangis sememangnya la. Dalam hati ni cuma terfikir yg sy tak mampu nak luahkan perasaan sy kepadanya. Honestly, mata Afif pun da berair! (sorry syg). Sy tak mampu nak tunggu lama2 lagi. Sy naik je la bus. Nanges lg dalam bus. Afif masih lg disitu menanti sampai bus gerak. Then, bila bus gerak, baru sikit bus gerak, sy dapat satu sms. Entah mengapa sy dapat rasa msg tu memang dari Afif. Naluri sy benar. Saat inilah Afif meluahkan perasaannya. Perasaannya yg menunjukan selama ini sy tidak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Believe me, sy masih ingat msg tu. No wonder selama kami berkawan sy dpt rasakan nya. Rasa macam nak turun bus time tu. Apakan daya, keluarga sy menanti di rumah. Walaupun kami seperti orang asing di khalayak ramai, namun kami sebenarnya agak rapat. He is such a caring person. Masa berlalu, dan kini hubungan kami masih begini. Perasaan yg kami rasakan masih tidak berubah malah lebih kuat berbanding sebelumnya. Mustahil la jika sy katakan kami tak pernah ada masalah. Of course, selisih faham tu ada. Namun, semua inilah yg membuatkan kami semakin rapat & kuat. Inilah yg mewarnai perhubungan kami. Sy amat mengagumi Afif, semua masalah yg kami lalui, Alhamdulillah dapat diselesaikan dengan berbincang. Most of the times, Afif yg mengalah (tq syg). Sy akui sy insan biasa, sifat sy majaoritinya amat berbeza dengan Afif. Jika Afif begini, sy sebaliknya. Jika sy begini, Afif sebaliknya. Sy yakin Allah jadikan satu pasangan untuk saling melengkapi. Alhamdulillah. Sy terima Afif Sham seadanya dan begitu juga Afif. Nak senaraikan dugaan yg kami pernah alami? Ya Allah.. Allah sj lah yg tahu. DIA yg mengatur semua ini. Kadang2 sampai bertubi2. Mulut org la, secret admire la, mcm2. And of course Afif ada secret admirenya sendiri, & sy ada secret admire sy sendiri. Namun biarlah mereka nak admire kami, yg penting we will always hold on tight to each other. In other words, org lain tak de chance la ye. Sy takkan lepaskan Afif & Afif takkan lepaskan sy walau apa yg terjadi. Selain dari family sy, Afif juga merupakan faktor & pemangkin yg membolehkan sy boleh terus berdikari & menjadi insan yg lebih matang. Afif Sham bukan sj seorg kekasih. Namun dia juga seorang abang, seorang kawan, seorang guru, seorang pakar motivasi, seorang yg sentiasa membuat hidup ni ceria dan sebagainya. Tanpa Afif Sham, hidup sy tak lengkap. Family is my priority. Afif Sham is part of the family. He is one of us. Alhamdulillah. Ibu, Ayah & Adik2 menerima Afif Sham seadnya. He is my protector. Dikala sy & keluarga berjauhan, Afif dipertanggungjawabkan oleh keluarga untuk menjaga sy. Nak list down kan about Afif Sham, there's lots of things. Jika ditanya "Why I fall to him?" my answer would be "I just don't know because there are so many things about him that makes me love him". One thing for sure, I LOVE HIM. Sy sentiasa berdoa kepada Allah supaya hubungan kami diredhai dan kekal hingga akhir hayat. Aminnn.. Doakan hubungan kami.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

::Live Life To The Fullest::

Date: 1.1.09.
Time: 7.16pm.

Venue: UiTM Merbok.
Mood: Frustrated.
Dedicated to someone outhere & I wish you read this my dear.

People once said, "However hard it is, you need to face it and live life to the fullest".
Susahnya nak Live life to the fullest.
There's LOTS of things coming into my life.
And at the moment, I do believe they are all hard and tough.
From the beginning of new hope in this new semester until ............
Hard to say.

It's all hard for me to adapt with it.
I only have the Almighty Allah S.W.T with me.
HE is the one who truly understand what I have been through.
HE is the one who arrange this.
HE is the only one who knows what HE has store for me.
Ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya hambamu ini menerima segala dugaanMU dengan ikhlas.

At the moment my dear.
I'm not being myself.
I really don't know where is Nur Izatul Fatiha is.
I really don't know where is she.
I become this way because of the situation.
Situation that make me this way.
I'm hardly speak to people.
I'm hardly believe in people.
I'm hardly this and that.
I'm easily touch.
I'm easily being emotional.
I'm easily hurting myself.
I'm easily this and that.
Lots of sorry.